Note: If you currently have hearing aids or have been diagnosed with hearing loss, call our Patient Care team to make an appointment with a hearing care provider.
For your virtual appointment, you will need the following items:
- Headphones or earbuds (wired preferable)
- Smartphone (Apple iPhone with iOS 13, Android 8 or newer)
- Quiet location and appointment availability
Contact the Remote Care Team by calling: 866-743-7315 (Hours: 8 am - 4 pm CST) or fill out the form above.
The remote care team will:
- Send a link to the AmpliTest app to download on your iPhone.
- Schedule a time for your virtual screening - you may be able to do the screening at the time of your call.
- Walk you through the app and the screening
- Review the screening results
- Refer you to a hearing care provider near you, should the screening indicate hearing loss.