When you think about your hearing, do you also think about diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity, oral health issues, smoking, prescription drugs, social isolation, dementia, depression, injury-causing falls and accidents? You should, because all of these health-related issues are connected, in one way or another, to your hearing.
Some health conditions or health-related decisions increase your risk of hearing loss, and others may be caused, at least in part, by hearing loss, especially when left untreated.
This “Sound Advice” blog post is intended to help you understand how hearing health is intertwined with so many other aspects of health and why you increase your potential for optimal overall health by promptly getting help for a hearing problem.
Numerous studies have found that several health conditions and decisions related to your health increase the risk of hearing loss. Most of the health conditions in this group share a common biological mechanism: Directly or indirectly, they damage tiny blood vessels of the inner ear, diminishing the ability to hear.
Whether you want to find out if your hearing is being impaired by a health condition, or you want to avoid serious, costly health conditions by getting treated for hearing loss, Amplifon Hearing Health Care is here for you! The first step is to schedule an appointment to receive a professional hearing evaluation at a clinic near you.
Do you know or suspect that you have hearing loss? The good news is, most cases of hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids. Unfortunately, many people delay getting the help they need — and the longer they wait, the more likely they are to experience some or all of the following health conditions: